Freedom of Information

The Western Australian Freedom of Information Act 1992 gives all Western Australians a right of access to information held by PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA (PathWest).

The types of information held by PathWest include:

  • pathology results
  • patient information, bulletins and pamphlets
  • publications relating to health planning and management
  • contract and tender records
  • minutes and agendas
  • general administrative records
  • financial and budget records
  • human resource records. 

How to apply for access to information

Access to information can be made through a Freedom of Information application that involves the lodgement of a written request. The written request must provide sufficient detail to enable the application to be processed, including contact details and an Australian address for correspondence. In the case of an application for amendment or annotation of personal information it is required that the request include:

  • detail of the matters in relation to which the applicant believes the information is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or misleading
  • the applicant’s reasons for holding that belief
  • detail of the amendment that the applicant wishes to have made.

Applications should be addressed to the Freedom of Information Office and can be made in person, by mail, email or facsimile. 

Mail applications

PathWest Freedom of Information Office
Locked Bag100
Palmyra DC WA 6961







All requests for information can be granted, partially granted or may be refused in accordance with the Western Australian Freedom of Information Act 1992. The applicant can appeal if dissatisfied with the process or the reasons provided, in the event of an adverse access decision.

More information on the Freedom of Information Act 1992 can be found here.

Last Updated: 19/03/2025