Provide Your Feedback
PathWest is committed to providing high quality pathology services throughout Western Australia. Your feedback is essential to help us improve our services.
We invite feedback from any customer interacting with PathWest, including medical professionals and patients. All feedback is important and dealt with confidentially in accordance with the Western Australian Department of Health policies. You can learn more about these policies here.
How to share your feedback
You can provide your feedback in a way that suits you, but the more details you give, the better we are able to respond. You can also provide your feedback anonymously. If you would like to be contacted about your feedback, please make sure you include your preferred contact details.
Here are three ways to share your feedback:
Post or a feedback box
You can download and print a copy of the feedback form or write to us and leave your completed feedback at any one of our collection centres in the supplied feedback boxes or mail it to:
Client Liaison Department
Locked Bag 2009
Nedlands WA 6909
In person or via telephone
You can speak to the staff member you are dealing with or ask to speak to a supervisor to address or capture your feedback.
You can also call 13 PATH (7284) and a staff member will assist to record the details of your feedback. When calling, please have details at hand so we can best capture your feedback. PathWest staff members are always available to assist but aggressive or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated. Anyone displaying this behaviour may be asked to leave a collection centre or end a phone call.
Go online
You can:
- Complete a short online feedback form
- Download a feedback form and email it to us
- Send us an email
- You can also share your story confidentially and anonymously via independent website Care Opinion.
What happens to your feedback?
Your feedback is important to PathWest and handled confidentially. Compliments are passed on to the relevant team members. Your suggestions are considered and where possible, improvements are introduced. All complaints are handled according to the Western Australian Department of Health policy and standards.
If you have made a complaint, our aim is to:
- Acknowledge your feedback within five business days of receipt
- Assess and investigate the issues you raised
- Keep you updated about the resolution process
- Provide a final response within 30 business days of receipt.
Health and Disability Services Complaints Office
If you are unsatisfied with the outcome of a complaint about the provision of services by PathWest, you can contact the Health and Disability Services Complaints Office (HaDSCO).