
PathWest Immunology is located at both the FSH and QEII sites and offers a comprehensive service covering an extensive range of testing.
The Immunology Laboratory at the FSH site has accreditation with NATA, TGA and the American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (ASHI). It participates in Quality Assurance Programs provided by RCPA, ASHI, UCLA, APHIA, NRL and ENVA.
The Immunology laboratory at the QEII site has NATA accreditation and participates in Quality Assurance programs provided by RCPA and UKNEQAS.
Both laboratories are staffed by a highly skilled team of Clinicians, Medical Scientists, Laboratory Technicians and Laboratory Assistants, with the support of clerical staff.
Our areas of expertise include:
  • Allergy testing
  • Autoimmunity including tissue and systemic auto antibody testing, skin biopsies for detection of autoimmune mediated skin disease
  • Testing for coeliac disease
  • Neuro Immunology, including paraneoplastic and limbic encephalitis associated auto antibodies
  • Immunodeficiency functional testing  and investigation of Primary Immunodeficiency
  • Immunogenetics
    • Genetic testing for immunodeficiencies
    •  Disease associated HLA typing and immunogenetics
    • HIV drug resistance mutation testing
  • Infection Immunology
    • Providing a comprehensive state-wide HIV treatment service
    •  Quantiferon-TB testing
  • Renal Biopsies testing for immune complex deposition and humoral rejection
  • Transplant Immunology
    • Sole state-wide provider of HLA typing for solid organ and bone marrow transplantation
    •  Sole state-wide provider of HLA crossmatching for solid organ and bone marrow transplantation
    • Provider of HLA typing for the WA Unrelated Bone Marrow Donor registry
    • WA provider of tissue matching of deceased organ donors for the National Organ Matching Program
  • Other services including
    • State reference laboratory for HLA tissue typing, HIV monitoring and specialised autoimmunity testing
    • The only laboratory (FSH) in Australia offering HLA tissue typing by Next Generation DNA Sequencing.
 A full list of available Immunology tests and information on sample requirements can be found in the PathWest Online Test Directory.
Last Updated: 19/03/2025