
Ongoing delays in testing for mannose binding lectin (MBL) levels

We have been notified about a new supply issue for the replacement Mannose Binding Lectin (MBL) test which was introduced in August 2023 after the unexpected withdrawal of our previous commercial kit in December 2022.




Your patients' results are available by mail, telephone, fax and our electronic results delivery system called PathWest Direct (PWD). Unfortunately, our results are unable to be emailed to protect patient privacy and confidentality.

We may need to contact you in the event of a critically abnormal result. Please ensure your contact information in our issued request forms is up to date.

PathWest Direct (PWD) electronic result delivery

The PathWest Direct (PWD) electronic result delivery service provides our clients with a convenient, free and efficient alternative to traditional hard copy and faxed reports. After remote installation, electronic pathology results are available within minutes of their completion in PathWest laboratories to your local computer.

PWD is available to both medical practices and commercial organisations.

How does PWD work?

PWD can be configured to run automatically in the background for regular delivery of results to our practice within minutes of their completion at our laboratories.

After a simple once-off application process, a link to download a PWD installation package will be emailed to you. Electronic result delivery can be set up for all, or a selection of practitioners or staff members, as required.

Medical practices can also make use of the PWD 'copy to' function to include other practitioners who may be consulting with the same patient.

On completion of your requested tests at PathWest's laboratories, electronic reports will be generated and delivered securely to your specified PWD account.

Apply for PWD or update an existing account

For new applications: Please complete the relevant application below and email your form to our Client Liaison Team or fax (08) 6457 7369.

To update an existing account: If you are adding new or additional practitioners to an existing account, or requesting paperless reporting, complete the relevant form below and email your form to our PWD Support Team

Last Updated: 19/03/2025