Strategic Plan

The PathWest Board and Executive are delighted to present our first Strategic Plan 2021 - 2025 as an independent Health Service Provider. 

Our Strategic Plan has been developed through engagement with staff, customers and patients as well as key stakeholders across Western Australia. We believe it captures the spirit and intent of our organisation. At the heart of the Plan are our key pillars of themes centred around community, staff, services, governance, research and teaching and the environment

We will:

  • Place customers and communities at the heart of what we do
  • Deliver world class pathology and forensic services
  • Engage, develop and inspire our people
  • Excel in research, innovation and teaching
  • Maintain robust governance and financial stability
  • Protect our environment.

Finally, we would like to acknowledge our committed and talented staff. They have great pride in their work and continue to drive the organisation to be the best it can be. Their skills and engagement are vital in our success.

Last Updated: 19/03/2025