Pay a Bill

Is pathology testing bulk billed?

In most cases, PathWest pathology tests are covered by Medicare (this is often called ‘bulk billing’). This means you won’t need to pay for your test as long as you have a Medicare card and the test is covered under the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS). Learn more about the tests available under the MBS.

PathWest not only performs tests on our own patients but we’re also a referral laboratory. You might receive a PathWest invoice if your tests are forwarded to us by the pathology provider you’ve visited. In other cases, if we’re unable to perform all the tests requested, we may forward your specimen to an eastern states laboratory and you might incur a bill and transport costs.

Pay your account

We keep pathology payments simple with a range of ways to pay to suit your needs.


Pay your PathWest bill using BPoint (VISA or Mastercard only). You’ll need your invoice/reference number and payment amount. 



Call (08) 6457 1200 to pay securely by credit card (VISA or Mastercard only). You’ll need your invoice/reference number and amount.

We’re open Monday to Friday from 9am – 4pm for payments.



PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA
Accounts Receivable
Locked Bag 2009 Nedlands WA 6909


Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

To make a payment via internet banking, quote your invoice/reference number as the payment reference.
Forward your remittance to our accounts team by email or fax (08) 6380 1323.

Bank Name: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB: 066 040 | Account: 13301635
Swift Code (for overseas transfers): CTBAAU2S


In person

Visit one of our collection centres to make a payment in person. Our collection centres accept cheque, money order or credit card payments only.
PathWest is now cashless and unable to accept cash payments.


If you’re paying after you make a Medicare claim

Once you receive your rebate cheque from Medicare, forward that along with the outstanding balance (if applicable) and the tear-off section of your invoice to:

PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA
Accounts Receivable
Locked Bag 2009 Nedlands WA 6909

Last Updated: 19/03/2025