Public Interest Disclosure

What is a Public Interest Disclosure?

A Public Interest Disclosure (PID) is a report of a wrongdoing of a public sector agency that serves public interest. The Public Disclosure Act 2003 (PID Act) aims to ensure openness and accountability in government by encouraging people to make disclosures and protecting them when they do.

PathWest is committed to the aims and objectives of the PID Act and recognises the value and importance of reporting as a means to identify and address wrongdoing.

If you have seen, heard or know of something which you believe is unlawful or improper, this could be public interest information under the Act. Reporting wrongdoing or 'whistleblowing' is a serious matter and in many cases it takes courage for people to come forward. In exchange for that courage, the PID Act provides them with protection and immunities.

Further information and advice on making a public interest disclosure can be found on the Public Sector Commission website.

Making a disclosure

A disclosure can only be made to a person who has been registered as a Public Interest Disclosure Officer. To access a list of PID Officers at PathWest, please contact the Manager Integrity and Ethics on (08) 6457 2198 or by email. Alternatively, a list of registered PID Officers across WA Health are available on the Public Sector Commissioner's website.

Rights under the PID Act

There are three main rights under the PID Act:

  1. Immunity from civil or criminal liability and from any possible disciplinary or other action relating to a breach of duty of secrecy or confidentiality
  2. Protection of identity of the person making the disclosure
  3. Notification to the discloser of the progress and outcome of any investigation or action taken in respect of the disclosed matter.

The process

Under the PID Act, once a disclosure has been accepted, strict confidentiality of the matter is to be maintained by the discloser, the subject of the disclosure, the PID officer to whom the matter was disclosed and any officer who may be directed to investigate the matter.

Things to remember:

  • Be honest
  • Maintain confidentiality
  • Do not disclose information
  • Assist the investigation.
Last Updated: 19/03/2025