
The Department of Microbiology provides a comprehensive diagnostic service at numerous locations throughout Western Australia. Specialist clinics and laboratories are available at all tertiary hospital sites within the Perth metropolitan area.

Our clinical areas of expertise include:

The service provides:

  • Routine and specialist diagnostic testing for management and treatment of infectious diseases
  • Advice for General Practitioners and health professionals regarding test selection and result interpretation
  • Advice on the use of antimicrobials
  • Telephone advice regarding infection control service for the management of healthcare-associated infection in patients and staff
  • A strong support network for our laboratories located in rural and regional centres
  • Active research and development
  • Information to support public health surveillance and prevention program.

Requesting doctors can phone 13 PATH (7284) for the results of tests performed by any of the Microbiology laboratories. Doctors and clinicians seeking clinical advice may contact the clinical microbiologists.

Other enquiries concerning test interpretation, availability, frequency and combinations may be directed to senior laboratory staff. Further information on Microbiology services is available below.

Microbiology is also responsible for the operation of the following commercial services:

Last Updated: 19/03/2025