Microbial Genomics
The Pathogen Genomics and Surveillance Unit is located within PathWest laboratories on the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre site. The unit offers public and environmental health microbiology services, and includes a Pathogen Genomics Service, a National Influenza Centre and the Arbovirus Surveillance and Research Laboratory. The unit is actively engaged in translational research activities with partner academic institutions. The unit provides pathogen genomics for public and environmental health purposes, together with hospital clinical services and industry, encompassing foodborne, waterborne, hospital-based, respiratory and gastrointestinal pathogens. Single pathogen bacterial and viral identification and characterisation, phylogenetic analysis for genomic relatedness between pathogens, and pathogen discovery services are provided. The Microbial Surveillance Unit works closely with the Mosquito Borne Diseases Control unit for arbovirus detection in humans, animals and mosquitoes for the state-wide mosquito-borne disease surveillance program, and with the WA Health Communicable Diseases Control Directorate for clinical and environmental (wastewater) laboratory surveillance of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, other respiratory viruses, and other vaccine-preventable diseases.
The Gram Positive Typing Unit is situated at Fiona Stanley Hospital and offers state-wide services for the typing of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus (VRE) for both public and private laboratories. Technologies involve microarrays, PCR and whole genome sequencing. This unit is also responsible for the state-wide Neisseria gonorrhoea susceptibility survey. The unit is closely linked to local universities and the national Australian Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (AGAR)
Download the Molecular Typing Request Form here.