R U OK? Day 2021

At PathWest we are committed to embedding an R U OK? culture where everyone feels connected and supported always.
On Thursday 9 September on #RUOKDay we got in to the spirit of the day with morning teas and very yellow celebrations!
Obviously this is a light-hearted look at what is a more serious issue and we encourage everyone to keep asking R U OK? every day.
And then what?? There is a lot of information and resources on the R U OK? website that demonstrates the next steps, an excerpt is below;
Got a feeling that someone you know or care about it isn’t behaving as they normally would? Perhaps they seem out of sorts? More agitated or withdrawn? Or they’re just not themselves. Trust that gut instinct and act on it. Learn more about the signs and when it's time to ask R U OK? here.
By starting a conversation and commenting on the changes you’ve noticed, you could help that family member, friend or workmate open up. If they say they are not ok, you can follow our conversation steps to show them they’re supported and help them find strategies to better manage the load. If they are ok, that person will know you’re someone who cares enough to ask.
Thanks to all the teams for getting involved on the day!