National Science Week 2023 Spotlight - Paul Healy

This year's National Science Week, PathWest shines a spotlight on our regional medical scientists.
Meet Paul Healy, a Medical Scientist in Charge at PathWest Kununurra.
When asked when Paul knew he wanted to pursue a career in science, Paul shared, 'I first realised that I might like to pursue a career in science when I was in my final two years of high school. I really enjoyed human biology and chemistry and I wondered if there might be a pathway that could somehow combine the two subjects. Just before my university final entrance exams, I attended a number of university career nights, and came across the course Bachelor of Science (Medical Science) being offered at Curtin University (renamed Bachelor of Science (Laboratory Medicine). This sparked my interest because it wasn’t something I was aware that existed. I was naïve (like most) of the belief that doctors and nurses derived all results for patients when they are unwell.'
Importance of pathology services in Kununurra
The pathology service provided by PathWest Kununurra is critical to this remote regional location, ensuring that the people who live, work or travel through this amazing part of our country, can still access a world class pathology service, akin to what is received in larger regional or metropolitan hospitals – thanks to the vast regional network of PathWest laboratories.
The pathology service offered by PathWest Kununurra is the only one in the East Kimberley region – an area spanning 423,517 square kilometres. Due to its remote location and transport issues across its diverse, and sometimes harsh, seasons, the local knowledge acquired by its workforce, allows for patient-centred focus on the health issues unique to our region, placing local people, just like me, at the heart of our core business.
Paul's message to younger generations
Never give up and continue to chase your dreams, because whatever issues you may face, however hard, you are able to overcome them with hard work, dedication and humility.