International Women's Day Spotlight - Department of Quality and Safety

Our International Women's Day Spotlight 2023 continues in its final week, featuring the Department of Quality and Safety.
In a world that is constantly changing, how have the roles and contributions of women in science or your profession or discipline evolved over the past few years?
There are more women climbing the corporate ladder and moving from the front line into senior management and executive roles. Women have become more confident to step up and apply, and show that they are extremely capable of excelling in these types of roles.
Has there been a shift in career paths women choose today compared to the past few decades?
Women today have so many options and they can achieve their own career goals in fields such as science, engineering, finance and other typical male-dominated fields, and raise a family as well (if they desire).
For women who choose to follow a career path, there are now options to study on-line for some courses, so they are not restricted by their location or the hours they can devote to study. It may be possible to defer studies and negotiate work-life balance arrangements with their employer to assist with meeting their goals.
What networks have you found helpful for building a supportive community of women in your profession or discipline?
The formation of the Quality and Patient Safety Team as a whole of PathWest resource with the Director, Quality and Safety providing strong leadership and having clear direction has been a huge step forward. This is an example of a supportive team of women working in the same office. Decision making on matters of Quality and Patient Safety often involves the entire team. Each member has equal opportunity to contribute. Our strengths and abilities are combined.
What advice would you give someone who is just starting out in your profession or discipline?
It helps to find other women in the same profession or discipline who can be your network to answer questions, share their experiences with you, provide support and mentor you.
Embrace the opportunities that are presented to you and allow yourself to be confident in fulfilling those opportunities. Don’t doubt yourself, you haven’t gotten this far by accident.
What message would you like to share with women around the world?
Learn to say no more often. Sometimes saying no to someone is saying yes to yourself. Many women find it difficult to say no and are people-pleasers by nature. Saying no to things you don’t want to do sets healthy boundaries, encourages respect and allows you more time to say yes to the things you want to do.
Improvements and changes are a sum / total of every contribution. If you have a goal or an ambition, take steps towards achieving your goal, as it is a journey. Women who have achieved great things started out with small steps. Also be realistic and not be pressured by other people’s opinions or expectations. For those who live in countries where education and careers for women is not encouraged, the international community is behind you.
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