PP block celebrates 10 years (25 September)

PP block turns 10 on Monday 25 September 2023!
While we have all come to recognise PP block from its bright red blood cell pattern from the outside, what some of us may not know is that prior to the existence of PP block, PathWest, which was part of North Metropolitan Health Service before becoming its own Health Service Provider in 2018, was servicing Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital from labs at J and K blocks.
With the WA Health Clinical Services Framework 2005-2015 outlining the need to reorganise public hospital services in the metropolitan area, this required an expansion and reorganisation of tertiary level pathology services on the QEII site. PP block was commissioned in 2013 – a world class pathology facility. It was opened by former Health Minister, Hon Kim Hames on 25 September 2013.
The construction of PP block allowed PathWest to aggregate statewide clinic genetics diagnostic services in a single laboratory. It also allowed for the future inclusion of paediatric pathology in readiness for the completion of Perth Children’s Hospital (PCH) and the closure of Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH). PP block provided a new, expanded PC3 facility. The new facility incorporated state of the art infrastructure improving the capability to isolate and culture Risk Group 3 microorganisms in a safe manner.
PathWest labs moved from J and K blocks, as well as Biochemical Genetics from PMH, Cytogenetics from King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEMH) and Neurogenetics from Royal Perth Hospital (RPH).
For departments and staff celebrating PP block’s 10-year birthday, please send some photos to PathWestCommunications@health.wa.gov.au
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