Recognition of Service Award 2023 celebrations

Throughout November, celebrations for the 106 Recognition of Service Award recipients were held across PathWest.
On Wednesday 8 November, the 20, 30 and 40-year recipients received their awards at The University Club of Western Australia, joined by the PathWest Board, Executive and senior leadership group.
Inspiring speeches were delivered by PathWest Board Chair, Angie Paskevicius, Acting Chief Executive Sash Tomson, as well as Aunty Sandra Harben’s moving Welcome to Country and Paul Schneider’s informative and engaging emceeing throughout the event.
Representatives of our Staff Recognition Program sponsors, HESTA and Paywise were also present delivering short speeches for the recipients and attendees.
It was an afternoon filled with appreciation and acknowledgement for the outstanding milestone achieved by PathWest staff, in their service to public pathology through 20, 30 and 40 years.
The PathWest Board, Executive and leadership team extends their warm congratulations and thanks to our 2023 Recognition of Service Award recipients for all their hard work and dedication.
Celebrations for the 10-year recipients were also held within their departments.
This commitment and loyalty equate to a massive 1,650 years of collective service amongst all our 2023 Recognition of Service Award recipients.
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