WACIC Biobank for Researchers

What is the WACIC Biobank?

The purpose of the WA COVID-19 Immunity Collaborative (WACIC) Biobank is a to establish a research repository that will prospectively collect research biospecimens and corresponding clinical data to support future basic science, translational and applied research, and development, optimisation and validation of diagnostic laboratory assays relevant to the assessment of SARS-CoV-2 immunity.

The WACIC Biobank will provide essential infrastructure that will enable researchers and diagnostic laboratories to address the immediate challenges confronting the WA community in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

To request access to the Biobank, complete this Expression of Interest Form.

What samples and data are being collected?

  • Serial blood and saliva samples are being collected from individuals who have had a COVID-19 infection, or from individuals who have been immunised against a SARS-CoV-2.
  • One-off blood and saliva samples are being collected from those identified as a close contact of a COVID-19 case.

We currently have samples collected from the following cohorts:

  1. Children, adolescents and adults who have been immunised against COVID-19 (healthy and those who are immunocompromised)
  2. Children, adolescents and adults who have had COVID-19 and also been immunised
  3. Children, adolescents and adults who have received a mixed vaccine schedule.

Sample Collection Timepoints   

Clinical Data collections

Data Collection


Timepoint administered/collected

ISARIC Global Tier 1 COVID-19 Follow-up Survey

COVID-19 Case - Adult


ISARIC Global Tier 1 Ongoing COVID-19 Follow-up Survey

COVID-19 Case - Adult

Every timepoint following enrolment

ISARIC COVID-19 Paediatric Initial Follow-up Form

COVID-19 Case – Children & Adolescent



Immunised – Adult


Medical conditions



Medication information (where available)



Vaccine Dose Information







A data dictionary is currently being developed and will be located here when released.

How do I request access to samples?

To request access to the Biobank, complete this Expression of Interest Form.

A digital application form will then be sent to you for completion.

An Information Package for Researchers is currently being developed and will be located here when finalised.

Who reviews the applications?

Application forms will be reviewed by the Scientific Governance Committee who are responsible for assessing the research proposals for scientific validity, feasibility and alignment with WACIC's core objectives.

Are there any fees associated with accessing the Biobank?

Yes, there are fees for accessing the Biobank. The fee schedule is currently being updated and will be available soon.

Last Updated: 19/03/2025