International Women's Day Spotlight - Preanalytical Services
Our International Women's Day Spotlight 2023 continues in its final week.
Thanks to Sam Austin, A/Director of Preanalytical Services for the response.
In a world that is constantly changing, how have the roles and contributions of women in science or your profession or discipline evolved over the past few years?
We are slowly seeing more women in leadership roles through improved flexibility for women with caring and family commitments.
Has there been a shift in career paths women choose today compared to the past few decades?
The main shift is that women are starting to move into positions of authority and decision making. We are seeing an improved balance of leadership now, particularly in consideration of the proportion of women in the Medical Laboratory Science and related professions.
What networks have you found helpful for building a supportive community of women in your profession or discipline?
We have an inclusive workplace where staff feel safe to be themselves, diversity is embraced, and women are supported.
What advice would you give someone who is just starting out in your profession or discipline?
Don’t let opportunity pass you by from fear of failure or lack of confidence in your ability. Take a chance.
What message would you like to share with women around the world?
You are stronger, smarter and more capable than you think you are.
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