Transfusion Medicine

The Transfusion Medicine Units perform Pre-transfuison testing, antenatal and neonatal blood groupred cell antibody screens/investigationcrossmatching and other transfusion related tests. They receive, store and prepare for transfusion, fresh blood components, fractionated blood products and provide specific recombinant clotting factors. The Transfusion Medicine Units investigate and report adverse events related to transfusion. The State Major Trauma Units for adults (Royal Perth Hospital) and paediatrics (Perth Children's Hospital) are accredited for transfusion service in trauma.
The Transfusion Medicine Unit at KEMH provides specialist services for Western Australia's tertiary referral centre for high-risk pregnancies and births. In partnership with clinical specialists, these services include testing, monitoring and providing specialist transfusion support for patients at risk of Haemolytic Disease of the Newborn and Fetal/Neonatal Allo-Immune Thrombocytopenia. This may involve monitoring maternal antibodies during pregnancy; maternal, paternal, fetal and neonatal red cell phenotyping; referral of amniocytes and whole blood samples for genotyping;  and the provision of specialist blood products for maternal, neonatal and fetal transfusion such as intrauterine platelet or red cell transfusion and neonatal exchange transfusion.
The Special Immunohaematology section of Transfusion Medicine at Fiona Stanley Hospital is the State Reference Laboratory for platelet and granulocyte immunohaematology. This section performs Neutrophil and Platelet antibody testingAnti-IgA testing and coordinates platelet and granulocyte typing for investigation of Neonatal Allo-Immune Thrombocytopenia (NAIT/FMAIT) and complex transfusion reactions or platelet refractoriness.
Whole blood Thromboelastometry (ROTEM) is available at select sites to assist in the selection of appropriate blood product therapy in critically ill patients.
Last Updated: 22/11/2023